Bitmask flags for permissions or settings in javascript

November 27, 2020

Using bitmask for permissions is not something new, it’s been widely used in *nix world (linux, macOs, Unix) since forever. I was just curious how it’s actually implemented and wanted to explorer why it’s useful also when it’s useful.

Let’s assume a very simple permission system

Permission Dec Binary
Execution (x) 1 0001
Write (w) 2 0010
Read (r) 4 0100

Each permission is a bit in the binary position, eg. first bit represent has execution permission, second bit = has write permission and so on. so 0111 means have all the 3 permissions, which in decimal is 777, that’s why chmod 777 gives all the permissions in nix world.

Follow this we can do a very simple permission assignment and check system.

    x: 1,       //  0001
    w: 1 << 1,  //  0010  = 2 move 1 position from the left
    r: 1 << 2,  //  0100  = 4 move 2 positions from the left

let userPermission = 0; // initialize without permission

// for permission assignment we just need to do

// granting execution permission.
userPermission |= PERMISSIONS.x   // he's 0001
// granting read permission
userPermission |= PERMISSIONS.r   // he's now 0101

// how to check permission

if (userPermission & PERMISSIONS.x) {
    // & is AND so 0101 AND 0001 returns true
    console.log('user has execution permission');

if (userPermission & PERMISSIONS.w) {
    // now 0101 AND 0010 returns false
    console.log('user has write permission')

if (userPermission & PERMISSIONS.r) {
    // now 0101 AND 0100 returns true
    console.log('user has read permission')

if you run above code you should see output

user has execution permission
user has read permission

Now the question is why is this and what’s the difference if I do it as an array like

const userPermission = [true, false, true];

or as an object?

const userPermission = {
    x: true,
    w: false,
    r: true,

There are many advantages:

  • Speed, the bitwise operations are much faster than comparing array or objects
  • Space, it’s clear that an array or an object uses more space than a number, in the case of a file system, imagine hundreds of thousands of files, each file needs to have its own permission, it would use considerably space int than array/objects. What about the front-end world? Well, a page has A LOT of DOMs, what if we want to mark each DOM with some flags? using bitmask + int would use considerably less memory than if it were an array. Actually, this technic is being used in Vue for patch flagging vnodes, as you can see here in the patchFlags.ts (Vue source code)
  • It’s easier to manage and compare, you can just use bitwise operators. Imagine a scenario where you have a defined group of permission, let’s say you have
const editor = 3 // 0011 read and write only

to determine whether a user is an editor would be fairly straightforward with

if (userPermission & editor ){
  console.log('you are editor');

doing that with an array or object would require more work…

  • If we ever wanted to store it in DB, it’s much easier to store a number than an array or object, and obviously it’s faster and takes less space (did I said that again??)

There are also disadvantages :

  • First, it might be harder to read, especially if a developer is not familiar with bitwise operators, so if the flags are relatively small, might not worth spending the developer’s time on this and thinking it looks “cooler”…
  • Since it relies on the size of a Number (64bits in javascript) if you have more than 64 “flags” you might have to think of a more complicated schema for permissions, eg. break the permissions into groups. (which might not necessarily be a cons)

Hopefully, this explains why bitwise is better and when we can take advantage and use it

©Yichao 2018.